#CSAM18 Day 9: Piaget

Ok, again this is cheating a bit since Piaget really studied children and his model ends at “11+”, but! I think it’s important for all of us to know how learning happens (theoretically), so that we can continue the development and learning process. Piaget believed that all children, regardless of background, go through the same four prescribed stages. Children progress through the stages after multiple experiences and stimuli.

Here’s a nice chart to summarize his theories from https://www.psychologynoteshq.com/piaget-stages/:

Title of theory: Stages of Development

Year theory was published: 1936

Students originally studied: He studied children after helping grade intelligence exam and realizing young children answered certain questions differently than older children or adults. He even studied his own three children.

Background of the author: He was born in Switzerland and was interested in zoology and biology. He began studying mollusks at just 10 years old and published his research while in his teens. He then went on to study psychology. He died in 1980.

How theory can be used now: Piaget's stages depend on experiences, which means trial and error. While Piaget's final stage begins to happen around 11 years old, it's important to note how he believed children learned, and that maybe we continue to learn like that as adults. We can given students the ability to go through the trial and error process in safe learning space to help with their continual development.

Words of warning: Piaget's stages are pretty strict in when children should be at the same stage for all of the measured tasks, but proceeding research showed that some children could learn some skills before they hit the prescribed Piaget stage.





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