#CSAM18 Day 27: Faculty & Student Contact

Based off a lot of other literature and research of students, Pascarella found that there are a variety of influences that affect informal student-faculty contact. One of the first ones is that informal contact happens when faculty and students are similar - the hold similar interests and/or values, for example. Another factor is how faculty members believe education happens. If a faculty member believes learning is an "interactive process between teachers and learners". A third factor is the culture of the institution; if an institution has strict power structures and peer groups students will abide by those groups. This means that if a more prestigious institution develops a student culture that does not interact with faculty outside of the classroom, then students will likely follow and perpetuate that culture. Institutional size is yet another factor.

Title of theory: Student-faculty informal contact and college outcomes

Year theory was published: 1980

Students originally studied: This is a theoretical model based off of other literature.

Background of the author: Dr. Ernest Pascarella is the Mary Louise Petersen Professor of Higher Education at The University of Iowa and was the President of ASHE 1989-1990. He is a Marine veteran who served in Vietnam 1967-1968 and earned three Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star.

How theory can be used now: I feel like most of the "how can we use this" sections have been "we need to be aware of our culture", and this one is no different. How we build and perpetuate the cultures on our campus makes a difference in so many ways for our students. Normalizing interacting with faculty can have so many positive impacts. We also need to make sure that we have people who look like our students and people who share their values - being similar can help them find connections.

Words of warning: None

Pascarella, E. T. (1980). Student-faculty informal contact and college outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 50(4), 545-595. doi:10.3102/00346543050004545


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