#CSAM18 Day 10: Kolb and Learning Styles
I recently discovered Kolb, I don’t remember reading about Kolb (or Kolb & Kolb) in grad school, although it’s entirely possible I’ve forgotten. I recently stumbled upon the theory of the learning cycle and corresponding learning theories through doing reading for my role running the tutoring center.
There are four stages in the cycle of learning and four learning styles. These are not the disproven learning styles like auditory, visual, and tactile. The four learning styles are based on how a learner processes (abstract or concrete) and how they react to the process (active participation or reflective observation). The learning process is a true cycle, and can be started at any point.
Here is a diagram of the learning cycle from https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html:

And a quick reference summary of the learning styles also from https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html:
1. Concrete Experience - (a new experience or situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of existing experience).
2. Reflective Observation of the New Experience - (of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding).
3. Abstract Conceptualization (reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept The person has learned from their experience).
4. Active Experimentation (the learner applies their idea(s) to the world around them to see what happens).
Title of theory: Learning Styles
Year theory was published: 1984
Students originally studied: You know, I’m not sure. Which doesn’t help anyone or anything. Sorry.
Background of the author: David Kolb is an American psychologist - I know, not a great description, but it’s hard to find reliable biography info on some of these authors!
How theory can be used now: As we work with student, we should remember that learning is a process. We should also be aware that each of us process information differently and feel about learning differently.
Words of warning: Learning styles is still controversial. The personal questionnaire that anyone can take, put me almost directly balanced in the continuum. I have no idea what that means without further research, which is a bit of a problem in and of itself.
There are four stages in the cycle of learning and four learning styles. These are not the disproven learning styles like auditory, visual, and tactile. The four learning styles are based on how a learner processes (abstract or concrete) and how they react to the process (active participation or reflective observation). The learning process is a true cycle, and can be started at any point.
Here is a diagram of the learning cycle from https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html:
And a quick reference summary of the learning styles also from https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html:
1. Concrete Experience - (a new experience or situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of existing experience).
2. Reflective Observation of the New Experience - (of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding).
3. Abstract Conceptualization (reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept The person has learned from their experience).
4. Active Experimentation (the learner applies their idea(s) to the world around them to see what happens).
Title of theory: Learning Styles
Year theory was published: 1984
Students originally studied: You know, I’m not sure. Which doesn’t help anyone or anything. Sorry.
Background of the author: David Kolb is an American psychologist - I know, not a great description, but it’s hard to find reliable biography info on some of these authors!
How theory can be used now: As we work with student, we should remember that learning is a process. We should also be aware that each of us process information differently and feel about learning differently.
Words of warning: Learning styles is still controversial. The personal questionnaire that anyone can take, put me almost directly balanced in the continuum. I have no idea what that means without further research, which is a bit of a problem in and of itself.
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