#CSAM18 Day 14: Native American Identity Development

There are five influence on American Indian consciousness. They are outlined below, directly from Perry Horse's chapter in New Directions for Student Services, no. 109. However, there isn't a defined standard for how someone may define themselves as American Indian or Native American. In the Chapter in New Directions for Student Services, he also discusses white privilege and how that plays into American Indians learning about their own identities and how they choose to identify themselves. Identity as an American Indian or Native American is personal, found through personal journeys, and is also political. His model is not a typical identity model.

Title of theory: Native American Identity Development

Year theory was published: 2001

Students originally studied: This identity development theory is based on personal experiences and observations of other American Indians.

Background of the author: Dr. Perry Horse (Kiowa) assisted in founding the American Indian Higher Education Consortium and is a past President and CEO of the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe. He continues to teach the native language, history, and culture of the Kiowa Tribe. Dr. Horse is also a US Army veteran and is a member of the military societies of the Kiowa Tribe.

How theory can be used now: While this isn't your standard identity development theory, it does outline how a Native American/American Indian/Indigenous person may develop their identity. I really like how Horse describes the personal journey of developing or finding one's identity.

Words of warning: Since there isn't really a framework to rely on, you'll need to be ok with some vagueness or lack of clarity. As a white professional you may need to come to terms with some of the things Horse describes in his articles. So this isn't so much a warning about the theory, but about us as professionals - are we ready to interact with these students?



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