Welcome to the frustration

I received my Master's Degree in December of 2010, and have been searching for a position since then. As of this posting I have applied to 30 different postings since January first, and have had only two interviews.

Back to the beginning: I want to work in Higher Education/Student Affairs. Meaning: I want to work with college students in some capacity. At first I wanted to work specifically with veterans (as that was the focus of my thesis), and then I expanded my search to adults, veterans, and first-year students. Now, I look for anything interesting for which I might be qualified.

I have applied to several local institutions, some of which post on national job search websites and other which only accept application materials through email. Since we are working on Month 8 of my job hunt, I figured I would start writing about it. I won't mention institution names or specific job postings, but I hope that the few people who will read this blog will find my insights and frustrations helpful.


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