Optimism and Hope

I had the second interview with the community college this week. It was truly a great experience. I met a leader with whom I hope to truly work. He was the true "macromanager", as I read about in an article a few weeks ago. He has a creative (a.k.a. liberal arts) background, not administrative. He believes and trusts in his people, and the focus is both getting the job done as well as supporting the people who do that job. While it is only a part-time position, I would happily and gratefully accept the position if it is offered to me.

We talked about a lot of things, leadership style, learning style, as well as personal likes, dislikes and hobbies. I learned about him as a person and as a leader, and I hope he learned something as well. He asked about my long-term goals, and I was pretty frank with him, although that's not always something recommended. I told him right now I'm looking for just about anything that will help me get into the profession, part-time or full-time. That I eventually want to work with students, specifically military veterans. I briefly discussed my Master's Thesis and my inspiration for doing the research and the writing of it. He seemed genuinely interested in everything I had to say, which was incredibly refreshing.

This week I have also had an internal battle: during this job search, this particular one that I am excited about, should I continue to look for and apply to other opportunities? I have two positions that I applied for that are currently in the screening process, which I will withdraw from if offered the community college position. However, what about new positions? There is an admissions counselor position located (literally) right up the road from where my husband works. Should I apply? Should I sit on it, with all of my materials ready, and apply only if I do not get offered the position? Should I even keep looking?

I'm sure the feedback I would get from someone in a professional HR position would be that I should probably keep looking, and even applying. But, I don't want to. I really want this community college position. It would make my life and commute, a lot easier. It would allow me to begin a professional career at a local, friendly, welcoming environment. I could work another part-time job to supplement my income, and the position would allow me to have incredibly flexible hours. It offers a lot of what I would really like, even if it is a part-time position. So, my decision is that I will keep looking, but I won't apply. I won't even write a cover letter or record the opportunities that I might be able to apply to. I will enjoy a week off from applications, and a week of optimism and hope. And, if necessary, begin next week with more of the same: applications but with a touch of hope this time. 


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