
I was going to post a really cool link about a craft retreat on facebook. However, I became highly annoyed, almost to the point of yelling at someone, and so I decided to write a blog post during my lunch.

I’ve worked in some pretty interesting jobs. I’ve work at a pet store, florist, dining facility, administrative offices, non-profit offices, and academic offices. I’ve had all sorts of different supervisors/bosses. Some are mentoring, education-oriented, and fantastic to work with, other are harsh, rude, inappropriate, uneducated, and all around terrible to work with or for. Office environments have included hostile, friendly, casual, semi-formal, and all sorts of things in between. So, for all of those things above, it means I’ve also worked with a large, diverse group of people.

I worked at one school, I previously called it Gold College, where I was absolutely miserable. My boss was terrible, the workplace was hostile, I didn’t trust human resources, and the ladder to climb regarding complaints was poisonous. At the restaurant there were people I could trust, but it could become very slippery if something went wrong. I pissed off one of the managers one evening and wasn’t spoken to for several weeks. Now *that* was a good time.

My current office situation is truly heavenly. I can wear jeans, “nice jeans”, and business casual tops, and school logo-wear on Fridays. I have benefits, vacation days, sick days, a great supervisor, and a comfortable office chair. The challenges change on a daily basis, and although I had a bad day on Friday, I generally enjoy what I’m doing. And, the best part is, there is so much room for advancement.

Hostile environments can make you feel like a hostage in your own office. They make the air poisonous and the day difficult to bear. Today will lead to a teachable moment, whether it's mine, or the person on the other end.


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