An interview!

Another interview, and life got in the way. I had an interview at a great, local community college. The position would be part-time, and the interview was supposed to take an hour. I had two choices of days, Tuesday or Wednesday, between 9 and 5. I chose Wednesday at 9, thinking I should get out by 10 and be to work only a few minutes late.

That morning I found my interview clothes were still wet from the washer, and they didn't dry in time for me to leave. Daisy had a difficult time taking her medicine. And it was raining. So I threw on a dress and a shall, belted it so it would look more conservative, and ran out the door. I was there early, the interview started late. I had already had the campus tour on a previous interview, so they took me directly to the interview. I was excited, because now it should only have been 30 minutes and I could be on time for work!

The interview was very informal, which was nice. We discussed the position, my strengths and weaknesses, and what the job needed from the candidates. I learned there were four of us interviewed and that two people who previously held the position are now full-time advisors. I was the last of the four interviewed. The interview had the usual interview questions, along with a situation to be dealt with and a question-answer session. I had three questions about the position, so I asked question 1, and all three of my questions were answered. I felt sort of stupid after that.

Along with this great opportunity to interview at a fantastic institution, I also found a lot of frustration. There isn't a whole lot of advice out there for those of us trying to break into the student affairs/higher ed field. If you go to Inside Higher Ed or The Chronicle, and go to "Career Advice" a large majority of the advice is for academics. Articles talk about not looking like a grad student during interviews, wearing properly fitting suits, visiting conferences, and the academic hiring cycle. They talk about CVs and teaching statements. I really wish there was more focus on the other side of the college/university campus.

So, for those curious. I wore a sundress that is zebra-print with a wide band of hot pink at the bottom. I put a long shall, with short-sleeves on, wrapped it around to cover most of my upper-half, and belted it with a wide, elastic, black belt. I also had stockings and conservative black heels on. No umbrella or purse, just a file folder, my keys, and a pen.


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